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to be honest I got a little bit bored and confused. I really like the logo and the styling on the page though!

Also maybe to switch items/weapons , you could include keyboard number hot keys, so i dont have to click on the weapon using my mouse

(1 edit)

You can use the number hotkeys to switch between tools. Does it not work? I do agree on the boring part. I didint really put in that much content. I will take your comment as my fuel to improve my game designing in the future. Thank you for playing.

Oh weird! My apologies nntnta, I swear when I tried it the first time it didn't work, but now it works. I might have just been doing it wrong, please ignore me!


Love the ending.

Thanks, love.


I entirely lost track of where my ship is...

Thank you for playing and I apologize for the inconvenience. I have addressed this issue by enabling the mini-map preemptively.


I'm probably too stupid for this game, I need training, I didn't realise what was required of me, I got a pickaxe, collected all the stones I found, got 18 "something" and... what next?

I'm working on it right now. I am updating the direction later tonight but the goal is to collect items from each planet and bring it back to earth and offer them to earth.

I have updated the game to make it more directional. Thank you for giving it a try earlier. :)